Who we are:

We are Augmented Fourth, an a capella quartet singing sacred, barbershop, and other music. We formed the quartet during our sophomore year at Hillsdale College, and performed extensively in our time there. Rather than graduate and part ways forever, we plan to stick together! This summer we will drive across the country to share the gifts and talents we've been given with our friends, family, and anyone else who loves music. Our set of sacred music composes most of this summer's concerts, although we might throw in some barbershop along the way. E-mail us at augmentedfourthquartet@gmail.com for more information!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Concerts in Churches


I've finally found the time to update our site a little bit more! Aren't I great...

Anyways, if you are interested in having a concert in your area, please see the list I've put up on the righthand side of the site. It is our itinerary for the trip, if you are at all curious.

As we've been arranging locations for our tour (and thank you so much to everyone who has contacted us), I've gotten some questions about what is entailed in hosting a concert at a church. I will attempt to answer those in some brevity here, although the best way is just to talk to us directly.

Holding a concert is less scary than it sounds, at least not when connected to your church. Ask your pastor or music director if they are interested in, and approve of, having such a concert. When they say yes (because who wouldn't want a concert of sacred music?), you reserve a time when such a concert can be held. I've posted the dates we worked out for our schedule over on the right. We've oriented our sacred concert thus that it would be entirely appropriate for a church sanctuary. We shouldn't need microphones, not unless your church has been blessed with a large sanctuary.

When I was a strapping young teenager in my lutheran high school, our choir went on a two-stop "tour" through parts of Michigan and Indiana. We had a lot of fun, and it worked largely the same as I'm hoping this concert series will work. We would come into town on the bus (in our case, Tom's car), get ready for a concert while the congregation would have a potluck dinner. Then we would sing! Everyone loved it. We ate the leftovers and went to stay with a host family from the congregation. We're not in high school anymore, we're college students who are well behaved and okay with sleeping on couches. Besides a venue, or location in which to have a concert, we would appreciate if you could find us a place to stay as well.

I hope that answers some questions! If you're curious or concerned at all about anything, don't be afraid to shoot us an e-mail at augmentedfourthquartet@gmail.com. Either Nathan or I will get back to you... sometimes both of us. :D

I'm really looking forward to being able to sing for you all. I've heard of a lot of you through my mom (she's on the MartinLoopers Lutheran e-mail list). I'm happy that there are good families out there... leaving college to start in the "real world" can be a little disconcerting at times, so it's good to see strong families out there. Thank you.

in His Peace,