Who we are:

We are Augmented Fourth, an a capella quartet singing sacred, barbershop, and other music. We formed the quartet during our sophomore year at Hillsdale College, and performed extensively in our time there. Rather than graduate and part ways forever, we plan to stick together! This summer we will drive across the country to share the gifts and talents we've been given with our friends, family, and anyone else who loves music. Our set of sacred music composes most of this summer's concerts, although we might throw in some barbershop along the way. E-mail us at augmentedfourthquartet@gmail.com for more information!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

oHIo and The Falls!

In every adventure there are the unplanned bumps, the blind corners, and even the occasional false crest.  Coming into Cleveland, we believe we hit all three.  In any road-trip, a bit of planning is necessary.  This is infinitely more important when people are expecting you to sing (and even to sing well) at the end of your travel day.  We learned as men often do, from that most difficult teacher experience.  Confidently re-arming ourselves in Hillsdale with a bit lighter loads, we seem to have forgotten the directions to the high school at which we were scheduled to sing that evening.  Thus, we knew it was in Cleveland.  Arriving in Cleveland, we decided to rectify the situation and grab directions from what Keaton thought was Lutheran High East.  Calling my cousin, she successfully navigated us to a campus at which we were never scheduled to sing!  We found this out 45 minutes before we were supposed to be singing across town in Lutheran High East.  Needless to say, it was a bit stressful.  Add to that the fact that we could not always understand directions (every big city has its own confusing network of changed names of highways, reversed directions, and counter-intuitive EVERYTHING).  But, I will never say we were truly lost...perhaps just mighty bewildered at times.  The concert was in a gym this time and we're learning just how different rooms can affect our sound.  In some rooms we have to work quite a bit harder to make four voices fill the space. 
After the concert, we got to catch up with some of our old friends from college.  We stayed at Rebekah Keller's and appreciated the tasty food as well as the great time to catch up around the s'mores fire with old friends.  They saw us off this morning to NEW YORK!  Allen and I have never been in New York and we followed the 90 along Erie all the way to Buffalo.  We turned off and, you guessed it, headed straight for Niagara Falls.  I have always enjoyed large bodies of water (having been raised near the Pacific Ocean), but this was impressive.  It felt as if Erie had been tipped like a large bowl and the entirety of its contents poured out every second.  We stayed on the American side, but saw both falls (American and Horseshoe).  After the guys convinced me that it would NOT be a good idea to go over in a barrel, we did the next best thing and just took a long walk enjoying the weather and the rush and roar of the rapids and the falls.  We got a little camera happy and have decided two things: first, we have little to no talent with a camera.  Second, we don't take very many pictures with people in them.  The sunsets and sunrises we have photographed are already beginning to run together.  :)  Keaton would like to share a cloud we found in Minnesota while reading the first half of Ballad of the White Horse.  We thought it looked like a dove.  What do you think?  Hopefully we'll be sharing more pictures as we get braver and take more.  Perhaps they'll even improve (and perhaps we'll clean the lens!).  God Bless!  Keep us in your prayers, for you are all in ours.  Tomorrow, we head to Oneonta, NY.  

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