Who we are:

We are Augmented Fourth, an a capella quartet singing sacred, barbershop, and other music. We formed the quartet during our sophomore year at Hillsdale College, and performed extensively in our time there. Rather than graduate and part ways forever, we plan to stick together! This summer we will drive across the country to share the gifts and talents we've been given with our friends, family, and anyone else who loves music. Our set of sacred music composes most of this summer's concerts, although we might throw in some barbershop along the way. E-mail us at augmentedfourthquartet@gmail.com for more information!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wichita - Flatness and Family

Contrary to popular belief, Kansas is both more interesting and less flat than generally assumed.  Driving out through Missouri, we noticed that almost the entire Eastern part of the state still contained something akin to rolling hills.  Arriving in Wichita at my cousin's new house, we noticed that their first growing season had just ended; all the wheat field had been mown to stubble.  My cousins had a sweet place and immediately offered us relief from the heat and the humidity in the comfort of their very own pool.  After several reckless attempts at awesome jumps, we had thoroughly relaxed and a significant chunk of my extended family filled the house to hear us sing.  We barbequed, sang, talked about Hillsdale, and just enjoyed ourselves.  That night, Pullmann, Keaton, and I went out to see the new Transformer's movie. While the explosions and such were cool, we all thought the movie rather over-drenched in sex, especially for a genre that will attract young kids.  The highlight?  We got a pitcher of Shiner Bock delivered to our seats that we could drink during the entire movie.  A bar and a movie theater... why had no one thought of this before?  :)  And so the adventure continued the next morning into Colorado... a long drive that one was.  

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